Mixed feelings on a Monday
Phew! Bit of a mixed feeling this Monday - doing a reasonable amount of work, and the book is chugging along - PABD said they were just checking on shipping rates for the first consignment of 'Grannies and Time Machines'. So soon should have the first hard copies of this delicious little tome. Then it can be thrown open to on-line ordering or local bookshop orders. Trying to remember meditative practice of stepping back from current actions, to be as it were an observer of oneself. Other ideas recently to put in next book: that annoying habit of neuro-ultra-materialists like Steven Pinker to boast arrogantly in their introductions that they will, in their review of neuroscience and evolutionary biology, explain why we choose our mate and why some people are disposed to believe in the paranormal. This is of course rich coming from a card carrying 'sceptic' of CSICOP, the psi-cops of the 21st century. He thus neglects to mention the converse: a deficient amount of tissue in the relevant brain regions may equally well be construed as a deficit in the ability to believe in the paranormal. Thus pseudo-sceptics of Pinker's ilk might be viewed as stunted mental cripples lacking in this important mental function. This is just another exmple of a hidden agenda being smuggled on-board in the form of defining arbitrarily what it means to be 'normal'. Must normal mean a straight-laced ultra-materialist, completely atheistic as in the simplistic popular view of a scisntist? Is the freedom to choose one or other philosophical stance to be denied us by the new arbitrers of othodoxy, the modern puritans such as Pinker, Dennet, Dawkins, Damasio & co.? Which sci-fi writer was it who wrote of 'creeping conformism'? How right she/he was. Hey - speaking of which, there's a good Irish name for political correctness - Sheehy - it sounds like she-he.
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